Thursday, December 4, 2008

Vegas Baby!!!!

We're going to VEGAS!!!! For the NFR! I'm so excited i can barely contain myself! We're leaving Wade with Stephanie and my mom, so we're counting this as our Honeymoon/my birthday present! Wish us luck, because it's inevitable that Chuck will be at the Paigow tables.....lets just hope he still has the luck he had in CA! Maybe we'll come home with an extra thousand or two! :D Anyways, i'm sure we'll have lots of pics to share when we get back. I've never been to NFR and i cant WAIT!!!

Tuesday, November 25, 2008


Thats the story of my life. Here's a bit of an update. We moved out of our house and into the travel trailer. We WERE going to go work out of state. That's what Chucks big plan was. Instead, we moved into our friends driveway..... Apparently with this being an election year and being in a "recession", the job market in Texas and elsewhere for the type of work Chuck was planning on has nosedived. We thought he had a job in Kansas, but they punked out. So now we're staying here in Idaho. In a trailer. With a two year old.....and a dog.... Have i mentioned yet that i'm going insane? So now we're going to see how long Johnsons Excavation can keep getting projects and keep Chuckles working. It's almost inevitable that the snow will bring most construction to a screeching halt, but we'll see. If that happens, i'll go back to work, which i am NOT looking forward to. I really have enjoyed being home with Wade. (Unless it's one of those moments when he's eating dog food, or scaling the walls of the trailer...) Especially if i get knocked up anytime soon, which is a pretty good possibility. Working will be even that much more of a PITA. And after this winter, the HOPE is (notice i dont say plan anymore. I give up planning...) that Chuck gets the city job he is up for. The commitee is supposed to meet in April or March, and we'll know then. I really would be so excited if he gets that job. That would mean no more worrying about wintertime and money. I also HOPE that we can buy a house in 2009. Then we can sell this stupid trailer (or at least trade it in for an actual camp trailer instead of this insanely big house on wheels) and not live in our friends driveway! Who are great by the way. Jason and Steph have pretty much opened their home to us. We love them!

On a happy note. I finally have my own wheels again! After a two week stint with the fan-freakin-tastic mini van and a week with Carsons Focus AKA The rollerskate......i finally found a truck i liked!! I just bought an Explorer. It's great. Eddie Bauer edition with leather and every button imaginable on it! The only problem is it's white, but i can live with that i suppose!! And it sure feels great to be back in a Ford again!!!!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Finding my Faith

I've been struggling with this issue for a very long time. I've always felt that there was something "more", but never knew what it was. Still don't, really. I've never been content with what i believe. On one hand i really want to believe that there is a God and he created us all and we'll be with him again. But my logical "have to see it to believe it" brain of mine takes over and i start doubting. How do you have that faith? Chuck told me the other night that that is what faith is. Believing in something with no evidence. Which i guess some could argue saying that there is enough historical evidence to believe without a doubt. I've thought about that, and in my limited knowledge i still think "Well how do I KNOW that there is a God in Heaven?". (Obviously i need to do a LOT more reading and research)

Being raised in the LDS heavy state that i was, this has been something i've thought about a lot since i was little. You cant really escape religion around here! But it's just been the last few years (since my Dad died and my son was born) that it's really started to weigh heavy on my heart. More specifically, the last few weeks have brought it front and center. My youngest brother was in two potentially life threatening car accidents within two weeks, but barely had a scratch on him. I felt in my heart that our dad was watching over him. Then i was talking to my other brother and he said the same thing. We both came to the conclusion that the first accident was my dad "teaching" Carson defensive driving, because he would have been the one to do that had he been here, which probably very well saved his life. And the second accident was dad teaching Carson that doing stupid things in vehicles is not smart. Because, goodness knows, my dad has been there and done that! lol! (BTW, thanks a lot dad....why MY car??? ;) Sheesh.....)

Then the other day, i bought a new CD. I love music, particularly country music. With country music comes God. I've always loved country songs about faith. They always make me feel better about my standing with God. For some reason, this particular song on this CD hit me harder than the rest. It's about a man telling his granddaughter about building their home out of the heart of the wood, and making a guitar and the music being in the heart of the wood. The final verse is about the cross made of wood. The last line says "it held the son of God like it should but i bet it broke the heart of the wood". I cry every time i hear it. There's also a song called "Loved the Hell" about a woman loving her husband so much she loved the hell right out of him. (which is a different blog for a different day!) .....And one about saying goodbye to a loved one that has died. Seriously, i cry throughout the whole CD, but i still listen to it over and over! (It's Joey + Rory, by the way. Google them, they are amazing)

Anyways, my whole point of this rambling is; i've come to the point in my life that i really feel compelled to find what it is i've been wondering about for so long. I've started doing a bit of research and i found a great article that made me feel pretty confident that i'm not completely hopeless. I saved a quote from it:

"Faith causes questions and seeks answers from God and transforms, it sees the mystery of God and his grace and seeks to know and become obedient to God"

Which makes me think, if faith causes questions, and i have questions, i must have faith, right??

And boy do i have a lot of questions!! Like, do we believe in God and heaven and angels because it makes us feel better or is there really an afterlife? Where do i start finding the denomination that works for me? Or do i really need to have a denomination? Cant i just study the bible and just know i have my faith in my heart? Does cussing and having an occasional drink put me on the fast track to hell? Not to mention that i'm fairly certain i've broke a commandment or two in my past.

In that same article, i found another bit of info i really liked. The source surprised me, but it was very simple. It is said that in the Qur'an, Allah says "Surely, those who believe, those who are Jewish, the Christians, and the converts; anyone who believes in GOD, and believes in the Last Day, and leads a righteous life, will receive their recompense from their Lord. They have nothing to fear, nor will they grieve"

That is the closest i've come so far to finding something similar to what i *think* i believe. If i believe in God, and live life like he says i should, i'll be fine. I just hope it says somewhere in there that i can make mistakes and still be ok.

So my first step is to go dig out our bible (Which is going to be a feat all it's own, considering the half-packed mess my house is...) and just start reading. I'm sure that will open a whole new mess of questions, but i guess thats what it's all about, right?

Thanks for reading, and if you feel so inclined, share with me your version of faith!

Monday, November 10, 2008

This is one of the reasons i love living where i do! We went for a drive up one of the canyons out here, and the sunset was gorgeous!!

Friday, November 7, 2008

My babys 2nd Birthday!

My little man is 2 already! He loved his new toys, and his new CAT sweater! He wont go anywhere without it!

This is my poor car after my youngest brother tried to play Nascar. He was out on west Forest street going about 90mph.In the dark. Crazy kid.....he's fine, just a few bumps. But now i get to find me a Jeep like i've wanted to for YEARS!!

Just like Dad

My boys fishing Henrys Fork in Island Park!

Blog numero uno!!!

A few people (*cough cough Brittany cough*) have requested that we have a blog so they can stalk us in our adventures! So here it is!

A short summary of us right now. Where do i start......First of all, we're still in Idaho for now. We're slowly moving out of our house and into the brand new camp trailer. We plan on living in it while we're out of town. Chuck is looking for work for the winter because we cant live on what he makes on construction in the winter around here. We've considered anything from southern Utah to Texas to Kansas, so who knows where we'll end up! We plan on being back in Pocatello in the spring. There is a potential job with the City of Chubbuck that Chuck is pretty much a shoe-in for, but they aren't hiring til around March. We planned on moving closer to Poky anyways, so we're planning on buying a house, or some land to put a house on when we get back. But if you know us at know our plans never go as expected!

My youngest brother was in two different car accidents recently, and one of them TOTALED my car BAD, so we're Jeep shopping right now. That might wait til we get back next spring, but we'll see.

Our baby boy Wade just turned 2 on the 5th. It's amazing to me that i've been a mom for 2 years now! He's a crazy little man, but he's the love of our life! We've recently decided to work on Baby Nelson #2, so hopefully in a year or so, we'll have another little love of our life!

I think that sums up everything for now, but who knows what tomorrow will bring!

I'll get pics and such on here as soon as i can!