Meet Copper. She's a black and tan hound/blue tick hound mix. Very sweet girl, great with Wade and apparently loves to hunt. We kind of wonder if she likes to chase deer more than bears, but we'll see. She really does have a face you cant help but love! No mind that we went about 400 freakin miles ONE WAY to get her....

This little bundle of big feet, bigger ears and even BIGGER bark is Newt. He's a 4 month old red tick hound cross. He really is a doll, loves Wade to death already, but barks even louder than Copper. Keep in mind, these are hound dogs, they dont bark like normal dogs.....thank GOD we have 5 acres so they can be FAR away from the house!

WHY do we have all these dogs all of the sudden, you ask? When i was content having the two we had to breed and sell pups from. Well let me tell you a story. Chuck went hunting. We have a couple friends that have dogs they run on bears and mountain lions and coons. Chuck just went along for fun but fell in LOVE with it. So here we are with FOUR freakin' dogs. Did i mention that the GPS tracking system we need for these dogs so they don't get their butts lost when they hunt is around $500 bucks?? Not to mention the shock collars we're going to need to train them.
It's a good thing i love that man.......
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