We went fishing at a reservoir up here the other day. Wade just loves worms and insisted on having one of dad's fishing worms. He was very proud of it!

Then we saw the elk. I love watching them! We sat there for probably 20 minutes looking at them! I wish i had a decent camera, because there are a couple of 6 point bulls in this herd. And i wish i knew how to upload video from my camera, because you can hear the cows calling to the calves in it! Elk make the most amazing sounds!
This is my most recent fat-momma picture. Wade just wouldn't stay out of them!
He's such a camera ham! lol! And he loves being "handsome man" when i comb his hair, even though it lasts about 2 minutes! lol!
And this is what Wade does with toys. Doesn't even play with all of them. Just dumps them out, finds his favorite car, and sits there in the middle of the mess watching his 'toons! Lol!