A couple days ago, i was washing my truck, so Wade just had to wash his trike too!

He was so proud of himself! (Dont ask why his hat is backwards. He has a weird thing about putting his cowboy hats on the wrong way, kinda like his boots always end up on the wrong feet...BOYS....)

THEN he decided to ride his trike off the back steps. I'm not sure WHY he thought this was a good idea, but he cracked his head pretty good! It was kinda cute after he calmed down because he doesn't say "head" anymore. He says "noggin" (Because i say it all the time) and it's SO CUTE! So he walked around whimpering saying "I bonk my noggin"! LOL!

When he got over his own hurt head, he took the ice pack that was intended for his bump and started chasing Trip around the house trying to put it on his head! The poor dog finally gave up and let him do it!

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