I went in for my almost-38 week appointment that morning at 10:45 and my doc wanted to check me, knowing how FAST Wade came. I wanted to have some kind of warning this time! Sure enough, i was dilated to 5 cm! Doc told me to hurry home and get my things and get back ASAP. I could tell he was a little worried about me going 45 minutes away from the hospital and making it back by myself! But i did, and Chuck met me at the hospital. I got checked in around 1 and they started me on an IV around 2 with a bit of pitocin in it. At that point, i could barely feel the contractions even though i was dilated to 7 by then. But then at about 3:15 they broke my water...the contractions started coming one on top of another and they HURT! I was going to go natural, but i chickened out! I could handle the contractions, it was when i started feeling like i needed to push that i couldn't handle it! I was complete by then so instead of an epidural they gave me a spinal block. (Different than an epidural. I guess it's medicine as opposed to a nerve blocker catheter? I dunno, all i know is that i could still feel parts of the contractions and my feet and legs felt REALLY weird, but i couldn't feel the worst pain.) So i pushed a few times and Wes was out!
He's such a little cutie! He looks SO MUCH like Wade did when he was new. Not quite as much hair, and not quite as blond, but his facial features and the faces he pulls are JUST like his brother!
Wade doesn't really know what to think about the whole thing. He just keeps looking at him and doesn't really know what to do! And last night when Chuck took him home he was UPSET that mom wasn't there to go to bed with him! He was one mad kid! So there is going to be some adjustment to having a baby brother around! He does keep sharing his nigh'night with the baby though, which i think is a good sign because he normally wont even share that with ME! LOL!
1 comment:
Thanks for the kind words! Haha, I am pretty sure I have decided to NEVER go shopping with 2 kids by myself again. Or atleast not til they are like 10. Sorry about the change story...good thing in hind sight we can laugh about it right!?
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