On our way home. VERY very cold at this elevation! 4 below zero when i took this pic!

A deer out in front of the Slaybaugh's house

A huge herd of 400+ elk between Kalispell and Bozeman

Then my birthday came. I turned 25 AGAIN this year! 26 sounds too old and too grown up, so i'm sticking with 25 for a couple years! My sister came up and watched the boys for us and we were supposed to go to Parsons Christmas party (the company Chuck works for) but we decided that going to see New Moon would be MUCH more fun! The movie was GREAT, and it was so nice to get out and be Chuck and Crystal and not Mom and Dad for a couple hours! Although, i dont think my sister will be watching the boys again anytime soon. One kid was running around the house like a crazy person, the other one screamed at her for a while, and Trip had a cut on his face from getting to know the new dog and it decided to rupture and bleed all over too! It was NOT a good night for her!
One of my favorite parts of Christmas is all the Christmas special shows that are on TV all month. We've always joked that Wade is our little Linus (from Peanuts) because he has a blue nigh'night that he drags EVERYWHERE, and he sucks his thumb. So i just could NOT resist taking this picture! It's my favorite part of A Charlie Brown Christmas, and my little boy loved it too!

Do you see the little yellow box on my computer screen in this pic? That box is the Weather Channel thing we have that tells us the temp outside. It says NEGATIVE 22 degrees! THAT is why my washing machine froze! Lol!
December has been a fun month with Wes. He's learning to talk and smile and even almost laughing! And, of course, growing like crazy! I love my chunky little baby!

One of the reasons we went up to MT was to get my new dog. I've been wanting to get into bird hunting, but Chuck didn't really have an interest in it, and as smart as Trip is he is a bit gun shy so he wouldn't be much of a bird dog! But over Thanksgiving Chuck took some old friends from MT deer hunting in Idaho. One of the guys has bird dogs for trials and wanted to get rid of one. So we ended up with a really great dog! He's a four year old german short hair pointer. He made himself right at home when we got him back here, and is part of the family already! He even sleeps in Wade's bed with him at night! He's a pretty good bird dog too!

Me and Tug on our first hunt together!

December has been so cold this year that we've been able to get out on the ice and fish sooner than we usually would. Wade is old enough now to really get into it and enjoy it, so Chuck has been taking him with him a lot. Which is really nice for me. I forgot how much easier it is to get stuff done (or get a nap in...) with just one kid in the house! lol!

Got one!

Waiting patiently!

I think i got one! (By the way....that hole isn't as big and kid-swallowing as it looks. It freaked me out at first too, but really it's a little hole with lots of slush and water on top of it because it was so warm that day!)
Chuck has been out fishing with some friends too, and caught a couple of pretty good ones. He brought home a couple and cooked them one night, and they were pretty tasty. For fish....lol!

We always take Trip with us. He looks kinda chilly is this picture!

Our friend Tejay caught this cool native!

So that's our December! I'll do Christmas in another post!!
1 comment:
Ha I know what you mean about getting older...it sucks soo bad! Good luck with the new dog if it is anything like our short hair they have way to much energy!! but way good in the field and at home with the kids.
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