Christmas was SO much fun this year! IT started at my mom's house on
Christmas Eve this year. All my
sibs and a few other extended family had dinner and opened presents. The kids all hit the jackpot! My mom went crazy with the babies (again) this year!
Christmas is always fun, but it seems like the "magic" really starts at three years old! I love being a kid again and enjoying that magic through my baby! We had so much fun telling him about Santa and how he was going to come down through our wood stove (no chimney!
lol!) and bring him presents to leave under the tree. He told us stories for a few days afterwards about how Santa got those presents there! Almost every night at bedtime we read "
T'was the night before Christmas" and "The Polar Express" (along with watching the movie over and over and over!) and i just loved it!

Wade showing Grandma the shovel he got....From her...she was very excited for him!
The kid was a million miles an hour the whole time! He was SO EXCITED to see all the presents!

He was so very helpful in bringing the presents to let her tell him who to give it to!

And when he gave it to the
recipient, he just HAD to help them open it! Carson probably could have used the help...

Little Carl wasn't so excited about them cool new clothes!

"Thanks're hilarious..."

"You too mom....funny stuff. How would YOU like a bow stuck to YOUR head?"

"HA! There! Take that! Put one on my pesky brothers head too!"

Chance and Carissa and their new giant blanket! At least it's not a "big ugly"! ;)
The next morning we had our family Christmas at home. It wasn't the explosion of presents like my mom's house was, but Wade had fun! Wes slept through it...
lol! I didn't really take a whole lot of pics, because we had a video camera set up. If i was smart enough to figure out how to get video on here,
i'd share it with you, but
i'm not. Which is your loss because Wade has some pretty hysterical one-liners! :p

We started with stockings. (I
finally got the Wrangler stockings
i've wanted for years! And they conveniently have "W's" on them for the boys names!)

I was so excited to give this to him. He LOVES all things firetruck and was so happy to see the ladder move up! (Sorry about the
blurry pics. My camera is challenged)

Checking out a new book with dad. It's called "We're going on a bear hunt"! How fitting!
Then it was time for mom and dad to break out the scissors. And knives, and chainsaws, and machetes....and open all the stupid boxes. It's the worst part of Christmas. Even worse than the rats nest of lights i set myself up to unravel every year. Miserable. I'm pretty sure there were a few swear words muttered in the process. And probably a few new made up ones too. Stupid boxes.....
The cool tent and tunnel from Grandma was one of the first to spring forth from it's packaging. Mostly because it was the easiest to get out. When i say "spring" i mean "SPRING"! The tunnel was like a giant slinky coming out of there!

The tent wasn't so obliging. A few of those new words were exchanged between Mom and Dad in the process of putting it together.

The tent and tunnel were finally in once piece. Not as much could be said for Mom and Dad's relationship for the day. Tents are NOT good for marriages. We should know this by now...
As i said before, Wes slept through the excitement of the morning. I've heard it's been said "let sleeping dogs lie" and i assume it applies to babies too. I stick to that and it seems to serve me well!

He seemed a bit
aggravated at first....

But i told him Santa didn't forget him!

That seemed to make him happy and i got some sweet baby smiles out of him!
That was our morning.
Christmas "Part Two" with our new family tradition to follow soon!