We decided that we were going to start a new family tradition this year. Chuck takes Wade out ice fishing all the time, and he just loves it! I hadn't been this year yet, because i didn't want to have the baby out in the cold that long. So Chuck got all creative and built us an ice house that was ready just in time for the whole family to go fishing Christmas Day! We packed up the kids and headed down to Devil Creek reservoir.

Wes all snuggled up in his warm clothes!

This is Chuck "skiing" down the hill on the ice house. Yep, i said ON the ice house! He's pretty ingenious when he wants to be and built the thing to fold up on skiis. Kinda cool! I just wanted to see him crash it, but apparently he can ski too. Even if it IS on top of an ice house!

Getting ready to break the first hole. I think he wanted me to stop taking pictures and help him. At least that's USUALLY what that look on his face means! We REALLY need one of those new fancy gas powered augers. But for now, we'll use our man power! Or at least Chuck's man power. I just hold on to it and pretend to help! (Notice the baby in the sled behind him! That's how he rode down the hill and over the lake! And he SLEPT through the whole thing!)

Just waitin' on fish!

Wade got bored waiting. So he took Trip out to find something more fun to do!

Mom may have gotten a little bored herself and went wandering around. Check out the crack in the ice between my feet. NOT cool. If you've ever been ice fishing, or out on a frozen body of water, you know the ominous sound of ice cracking. Chuck insists that it's the ice getting colder and freezing, and it may be true and make sense. But in MY brain i hear that deep, echoing, booming CRACK and the "fight or flight" instinct tries to take over. I really have to suppress the urge to grab my babies and run screaming like the little girl i am to go cry in the truck! But instead, i give Chuck even more reason to tease me and yell "NOT COOL!!!! NOT FREAKIN' COOL!!!!" from across the reservoir!

All warm and toasty in the ice house! We put the propane heater in there and it's warm as a summer day!

Wade trying to convince dad to give him some of his coffee.
Wes was so excited to be fishing.....this is what he did most of the time we were there.
He slept.......

And slept.........

And SLEPT!!!!
He didn't miss anything though. I guess i'm bad luck and all we got was one little nibble. And Chuck missed that one because he was out bs'ing with the game warden! Lol! Oh well, we'll try again next year!

Wes all snuggled up in his warm clothes!

This is Chuck "skiing" down the hill on the ice house. Yep, i said ON the ice house! He's pretty ingenious when he wants to be and built the thing to fold up on skiis. Kinda cool! I just wanted to see him crash it, but apparently he can ski too. Even if it IS on top of an ice house!

Getting ready to break the first hole. I think he wanted me to stop taking pictures and help him. At least that's USUALLY what that look on his face means! We REALLY need one of those new fancy gas powered augers. But for now, we'll use our man power! Or at least Chuck's man power. I just hold on to it and pretend to help! (Notice the baby in the sled behind him! That's how he rode down the hill and over the lake! And he SLEPT through the whole thing!)

Just waitin' on fish!

Wade got bored waiting. So he took Trip out to find something more fun to do!

Mom may have gotten a little bored herself and went wandering around. Check out the crack in the ice between my feet. NOT cool. If you've ever been ice fishing, or out on a frozen body of water, you know the ominous sound of ice cracking. Chuck insists that it's the ice getting colder and freezing, and it may be true and make sense. But in MY brain i hear that deep, echoing, booming CRACK and the "fight or flight" instinct tries to take over. I really have to suppress the urge to grab my babies and run screaming like the little girl i am to go cry in the truck! But instead, i give Chuck even more reason to tease me and yell "NOT COOL!!!! NOT FREAKIN' COOL!!!!" from across the reservoir!

All warm and toasty in the ice house! We put the propane heater in there and it's warm as a summer day!

Wade trying to convince dad to give him some of his coffee.

He slept.......

And slept.........

And SLEPT!!!!
He didn't miss anything though. I guess i'm bad luck and all we got was one little nibble. And Chuck missed that one because he was out bs'ing with the game warden! Lol! Oh well, we'll try again next year!
I love your fishing pictures! SO cute! I want to see a full picture of the hut all set up. We had a propane heater in my dads too and it rocks!
I wish i had a picture of the house set up too. It looks like one of those sheep herder trailers, but on ski's! lol!
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